Afteroom バー・チェア[布張]

Afteroom バー・チェア[布張]

Designer Afteroom Studio

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Afteroom バー・チェア[布張]

Afteroom バー・チェア[布張]

Designer Afteroom Studio

ミニマリズムとクリーンなラインを取りいれながらも、快適な座り心地のAfteroom バー チェア。キッチンカウンターやハイテーブルに適しています。このバーチェアは、Afteroomコレクションのダイニングチェアと同じコンセプトのもとデザインされ、4本脚のデザインは素材を最小限に抑えながらも、安定感のある座り心地です。突板の背もたれは自然で温かみのある仕上げを提供します。



仕上 / 張地オプション

Selected:  ダークステイン・オーク | Audo Bouclé 06

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SKU 8485000-010000ZZ




H: 101 cm
SH: 73,5 cm
W: 50 cm
D: 55 cm


Afteroom Studio

Founded and directed by Hung-Ming Chen and Chen-Yen Wei, the studio’s mission is simply to create beautiful products which will increase in value with the passage of time — design with which one can grow old. The Taiwanese-born designing duo began their Stockholm-based design studio with the notion of creating modern objects that would only grow more beautiful over time. " Beyond their own work, they see their studio as a launching point for designers around the world who share their philosophy. The inspiration derives from an intriguing interest in forms, senses, proportions, materials and cultures. The thoughtful duo looks to the past as a route to the future, intending their products to grow as treasures, to take their place for the next generation of designers. Time passes and, Hung-Ming Chen and Chen-Yen Wei, that's just the point. The philosophy pivots around simplicity and honesty. The true essence of respecting wear and tear around the central idea of the passage of time.