Co Dining Chair, upholstered seat with armrest, Chrome

Co Dining Chair, upholstered seat with armrest, Chrome

Designer Norm Architects & Els van Hoorebeeck

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Co Dining Chair, upholstered seat with armrest, Chrome

Co Dining Chair, upholstered seat with armrest, Chrome

Designer Norm Architects & Els van Hoorebeeck

The Office Groupのワークプレイスに対する深い理解から生まれたCo Chairは、軽量のエレガンスと優れた座り心地の完璧な融合を体現しています。さらに、最大10脚までスタッキングが可能というユニークな特徴も備えています。輪郭のあるフォルムと温かみのある素材使いで、Norm Architectsの定評あるソフト・ミニマリズムを表現しています。



Selected: ナチュラルオーク |ダカール - 0250

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SKU 1176004-020300ZZ


クロムメッキスチール (RAL 9005)、塗装合板、テキスタイル


高さ: 80 cm、高さ: 68 cm、高さ: 45 cm、奥行き: 50,5 cm、幅: 62 cm


Norm Architects & Els van Hoorebeeck

Founded in Copenhagen in 2008 by Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen and Kasper Rønn, Norm Architects specialise in residential architecture, commercial interiors, industrial design, photography and art direction. The name, Norm Architects, reflects the group’s emphasis on the importance of drawing inspiration from norms and traditions within architecture and design – particularly the Scandinavian design principles of timeless aesthetics and natural materials, and the modernist values of restraint and refinement. Guided by these principles, Norm Architects produce a design that unites materials and craftsmanship, while embodying beauty, history and, most importantly, timeless simplicity, where there is nothing more to add or take away. Today, the group regularly collaborates with Audo Copenhagen, helping to drive the evolution of the brand and its product offerings —imbued with the same intrinsic quality as Norms creative direction: a simplicity that carries bigger ideas.