Collector Chandelier, 5

Collector Chandelier, 5

Designer Alf Svensson

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Collector Chandelier, 5

Collector Chandelier, 5

Designer Alf Svensson

スウェーデンのデザイナーAlf Svenssonが1950年代に製作した3つの照明器具のうちの1つ、Collector Chandelier, 5は、ミッドセンチュリーの美学を表現しています。ソリッドブラスのバンドは10個の幾何学的なメタルシェードを支え、上にも下にも光を届けます。シェードには小さな穴が開いており、そこからさらに光が差し込むようになっています。デザインされたスカンジナビアモダンの典型である時代を超越した外観は、どのような環境にもマッチし、公共空間でもプライベートな空間でも、同じようにくつろげる照明器具です。

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SKU 1393649




直径: 66,5 cm


Alf Svensson

Alf Svensson (1929-1992) was an innovator. It was during the 1950s, 60s and 70s that the Swedish designer created some of his most noteworthy pieces. Like many of his Scandinavian peers, Svensson used traditional materials such as teak, rosewood and leather to create furniture in the Scandinavian Modern style – and often together with his contemporary, Yngvar Sandström. A skilled designer despite being little known to the public, he created several iconic mid-century designs for a number of prominent Nordic brands including Fritz Hansen and DUX. His series of mid-century lamps for the Swedish lighting company Bergbom’s helped to breathe new life into the company, which benefited greatly from his large international network and meticulous approach to his metier. Today, some of his most prominent lighting designs are available at Audo Copenhagen, under the name Collector – a reference to the enduring relevance and collectability of his works.