Pagode ソファ

Pagode ソファ

Designer Tove & Edvard Kindt-Larsen

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Pagode ソファ

Pagode ソファ

Designer Tove & Edvard Kindt-Larsen

Pagode[パゴダ]ソファは、デザイナー夫妻Tove and Edvard Kindt-Larsen[トーヴェ&エドヴァルド・キント=ラーセン]によるエレガントな名作デザインです。その存在は多くの人に知られていないものの、当時としては前衛的かつ芸術的なデザインでした。低くほぼ平らなアームレストと、美しいV字型の脚が特徴で、そのデザイン言語は軽やかで洗練されています。この特徴がソファに現代的な印象を与えています。 アジア建築に由来する名前を持つこのソファは、その名の通り、寺院のようなシンプルさの中に表現力と独自性が光ります。1956年に初めて発表され、現在でもその存在感は色褪せることなく、デザインの象徴的な一品として輝いています。 素材は、ナチュラル・オークまたはウォールナットを使用し、張地はレザーで仕上げられています。


Selected:  ナチュラル・オーク


Selected:  Re-wool 218

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SKU 1216001-020100ZZ




H: 86 cm
SH: 37 cm
SD: 50 cm
W: 202 cm
D: 78 cm


Tove & Edvard Kindt-Larsen

Front figures in the development of Danish furniture design between 1930 and 1960, Tove and Edvard Kindt-Larsen (1906-1994 & 1901-1982) were visionary designers – and husband and wife. Creating furniture, silverware, jewellery, textiles and more, the prolific couple were the harbingers of a new era in Danish furniture design, eschewing the traditional furniture set in favour of individual and adaptable design pieces that could be curated according to style, use and mood. It was a breakthrough in the Danes' way of interior decorating, as well as the general regard for furniture furniture. Edvard Kindt-Larsen cut his teeth as an architect under Kaare Klint at the Department of Furniture Design at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. He achieved great recognition for a large-scale hotel project by the lakes in Copenhagen and was later honoured with the Eckersberg medal for his work with Snedkerlauget's Exhibitions, which he organised in the years 1943-1966. Tove Kindt-Larsen – one of Denmark’s first notable female designers – studied at the Academy of Fine Arts but never graduated. She did, however, receive widespread recognition for her work as both an architect and a designer, in particular her textile designs and pioneering rattan furniture. When she married Edvard in 1937, she had already won first prize in the Carpenter's Guild competition. She was lauded for her work, "bravely setting out to solve a task in a new way." Her furniture is characterised by a fine sense of quality and a style that adapted to the changing tastes of the times.