アゲハ ティータオル

アゲハ ティータオル

Designer Mentze Ottenstein + Rosholm

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アゲハ ティータオル

アゲハ ティータオル

Designer Mentze Ottenstein + Rosholm

この製品は 8/9 責任基準を満たしています続きを読む

家庭でのおもてなしの伝統を再考した、人気の食器コレクションの一部であるパピロ ティー タオルは、デザインと職人技の両方が考慮されています。ナチュラル リネンのコントラストのあるストライプが、触感のあるハンドルを備えた時代を超越したグラフィック パターンを生み出します。ティータオルはキッチンスペースにエレガントで実用的なアクセントを加え、クラシックな外観で懐かしさを呼び起こします。

Selected: パピリオ バーント シエナ

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SKU 2802389






Mentze Ottenstein+ Rosholm

Mentze Ottenstein + Rosholm is an exclusive collaboration between Danish architects and designers Mathias Mentze and Alexander Ottenstein and textile expert Marie-Louise Rosholm. An architect and design lecturer at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Mathias Mentze works from his design practice to infuse design with history, craft and tactility into projects large and small. Working closely with Mentze is architect Alexander Ottenstein, who has collaborated with high-profile Danish studios but is most passionate about smaller scale projects. Marie-Louise Rosholm cut her teeth as a textile designer working for brands across the globe. With a firm focus on sustainability, she believes that design has a very important role to play in this challenge. She is the founder of Danish Colour Board and president of Intercolor and was in 2021 awarded the Danish Design Council’s most prestigious honour – the Honorary Award – for her services to the industry.