Taper Bowl

Taper Bowl

Designer Colin King

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Taper Bowl

Taper Bowl

Designer Colin King

古代の器を彷彿とさせる親しみやすい雰囲気の Taper Bowl は、控えめなルックスでどんなシーンにもマッチします。スタイリスト、コリン・キングがAudoのためにデザインした円錐形のメタルデザインは、真鍮仕上げでインテリアに温かみを与えます。多目的に使えるこのボウルは、小物入れとしてだけでなく、何も入れずにインテリアとして飾っても素敵です。

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SKU 4426839




直径: 26cm


Colin King

Professionally trained as a dancer, Colin King found himself at the intersection between a dancer’s awareness of space and a stylist’s impulse to bring it to life before foraying into the realm of product design. Currently based in Tribeca, New York City, he balances being on set, styling and designing from his studio. Colin has styled for major publications such as Architectural Digest and T Magazine and hosts myriad clientele within product and interior design. He is continuously inspired by life’s everyday rituals, gestures and imperfections—made beautiful by their ever-evolving presence within a given space. Colin King is the designer behind Interconnect, Audo's monumental candle holder design.