Tearoom, Lounge Chair, High Back

Tearoom, Lounge Chair, High Back

Designer Nick Ross

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Tearoom, Lounge Chair, High Back

Tearoom, Lounge Chair, High Back

Designer Nick Ross

デザイナーのニック・ロスは、ティールーム コレクションのすっきりとしたシルエットを作成しながら、各デザインの隅々に気分を高揚させる快適さを吹き込むことに細心の注意を払いました。ハイバックのティールーム ラウンジ チェアの緩やかな曲線は、前モデルのシルエットを拡張して、外界からの避難所を提供する椅子を生み出しました。身体を補うように輪郭を描かれた彫刻的なデザインは、シンプルな幾何学的なフォルムの可能性を示しています。すっきりとしたシルエットに裏打ちされた総張りの高級感は、見た目の美しさと同じくらい魅力的です。幅広で低い座面は、高級ホテル、クラブ、ラウンジなど、時代的な空間と現代的な空間の両方によく合います。ワークスペース。底部にUSB-Cポートと電源ソケットが追加されているため、仕事だけでなく遊びにも実用的なスポットになります。


Selected: コンセントなし

Selected: オード ブークレ 02

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SKU 9606000-000000ZZ


合板、HR フォーム構造、ウェビング/ベルト、


高さ: 122cm
コードの長さ: 350cm


Nick Ross

Nick Ross (1986) is a Scottish-Swedish, Stockholm-based designer studied industrial design at Gray’s School of Art in Aberdeen, -and was awarded the Arts & Heritage prize for his graduation project, Stray, in 2008. Later on, he enrolling in fine arts Master’s program in interior architecture and furniture design at Konstfack in Stockholm, in 2013. Immediately after graduating, he began working as an assistant to Swedish designer Matti Klenell until establishing his own self-named, Stockholm-based studio in 2014. Ross is a designer with a penchant for scarce spaces that focus on the use of materials and light in a given expanse. His research centres on the complex repertoire of history, with a particular focus on ancient history, where he finds the factors with which to interpret the relationship between the user and contemporary design. Using storytelling as a pretext and applying a confidently critical approach, Nick is interested in investigating facts and happenings that have determined specific cultural balances. Every project comes from the desire to create ideal or real bridges between the present to that of the past. At first glance, Nick Ross appears to have a great eye for presentation. A closer look reveals a sensitivity to materials that makes bold moves appear delicate. He considers how historical interpretations alter our current perceptions of objects. The main interest lies in how guesswork or cultural ‘curation’ can create situations where we are influenced to think in certain ways and feel certain things.” According to the designer, “My work looks at the role of history and storytelling in how we perceive the world around us, by working with themes such as place, origin, and the role fiction plays in past and present societies.