TR Bulb, Pendant

TR Bulb, Pendant

Designer Tim Rundle

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TR Bulb, Pendant

TR Bulb, Pendant

Designer Tim Rundle

TR Bulbは、キャリアや人生経験を求めて都市や国を移動するアーバンノマド(都市遊牧民)が増えていることに着想を得た、現代都市生活のための賢いソリューションである。Audoとティム・ランドルの初のコラボレーションであるTR Bulbは、アパートからアパートへと持ち運べるように設計されており、世界中の天井に吊り下げられたペンダントソケットにねじ込むだけで取り付けられる。調光可能なLED電球は、エレガントな球形のフォルムでランプのフィッティングを隠し、オパールガラスのディフューザーが均一で調和のとれた輝きを生み出し、眩しさを防ぎます。


Selected:  黒 |マット

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SKU 1493639


電気: E27 ソケット、220V、最大 60W
通常の TR バルブ: 6W、2700K


高さ: 22 cm、20 cm、調光可能、LED


Tim Rundle

Tim Rundle Studio is a London based industrial design practice working in the field of product design, as well as interiors and consultancy. The studio brings simplicity to the intersection of architecture and its inhabitants, improving the manufactured environment through elegant, technically-refined solutions. Tim Rundle is an industrial designer whose eponymous studio specialises in furniture and lighting design as well as interiors, installations, and strategic consultancy. He creates prototypes with his 3D printer and other tools until he finds the exact solution he seeks. Looking to classic Danish designers like Poul Kjærholm as inspiration, Rundle makes highly technical ideas into simplified, useful forms. ‘A great product should look as good and work as well in the real world as it does in a photo shoot,’ he tells us. ‘It should positively but quietly add to the atmosphere of a real space without shouting for attention.’ Originally from New Zealand, prior to establishing his studio in 2015, Rundle graduated from the School of Architecture and Design at Victoria University of Wellington, going on to join Auckland-based Formworks Design, where he worked on the concept for Air New Zealand’s groundbreaking Skycouch™ and Spaceseat. In 2008, Rundle relocated to London, first joining design consultancy PriestmanGoode, then working with renowned British designer Tom Dixon as head designer for the furniture and lighting design team. Prior to setting up his own studio in 2015, Rundle was Design Director at Conran and Partners, the multidisciplinary design studio founded by Sir Terence Conran. Today, in addition to running his studio, Rundle teaches at Platform 23 – Design for Manufacture at the prestigious Design Products Master’s programme at the Royal College of Art.