ウマノフ ネストサイドテーブル

ウマノフ ネストサイドテーブル

Designer Umanoff

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ウマノフ ネストサイドテーブル

ウマノフ ネストサイドテーブル

Designer Umanoff

1950 年代にアーサー ウマノフによってデザインされたウマノフ ネスティング サイド テーブルは、部屋のサイズが限られている場合に積み重ね可能で省スペースな選択肢であり、ミッドセンチュリーのモダンなデザインの美しい作品です。幾何学模様のカラーラミネートパネルが、滑らかなウォールナット無垢材のデザインに装飾的で実用的な雰囲気を加えています。伝統と型破りな要素が等しく融合した 3 つのテーブルは、一緒に配置しても、個別に使用しても、空間にアクセントを与えます。

Selected:  ウォールナット |黒

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SKU 1187539




幅: 45.5cm
D: 42.6cm


Arthur Umanoff

Arthur Umanoff (1923–1985) was an American-born industrial designer, noted for his contribution to the American midcentury modern movement. Upon graduating from New York’s prestigious Pratt Institute and the American School of Design in the beginning of the 1950s, Umanoff began collaborating with Post Modern Ltd, a New York design company that produced and sold modernist wrought iron and wood designs. Throughout the 1960s, he worked closely with the furniture manufacturer Shaver Howard, who put many of his furniture designs into production. He also designed clocks for Howard Miller. Arthur Umanoff believed that design should not only be beautifully constructed and functional, but that it should also be attainable. Using natural materials and new methods to reimagine traditional furniture pieces, he created versatile designs for the home that were celebrated for their quality as for their simplified, functional forms and staying power. Reflecting warmth and practicality, his designs were often imagined in wrought iron, rattan, walnut and birch, imbued with functional details yet retaining a sense of natural elegance thanks to their slender, tapered lines.