Wing Floor Lamp

Wing Floor Lamp

Designer Kenneth Bergenblad

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Wing Floor Lamp

Wing Floor Lamp

Designer Kenneth Bergenblad

モダンでミニマルな Wing Floor Lamp は、遊び心あふれるデザインで、どんな場所にも個性をもたらします。受賞歴のあるスウェーデンのデザイナー、Kenneth Bergenblad(ケネス・ベルゲンブラッド)が1970年代後半にデザインしたこのランプのシンプルなイディオムは、過去、現在、未来を融合しています。鳥の翼を連想させるポリッシュ仕上げのアルミニウム製シェードは回転し、必要な場所に光を当てることができます。

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SKU 1392109




高さ: 118cm
直径: 27cm


Kenneth Bergenblad

The son of a sculptor and artist, designer Kenneth Bergenblad was born in Sweden in 1944. His foray into the world of design began in his teen, where he studied cabinetmaking, completing his apprenticeship in 1965 before going on to study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. Between 1970 and 1993 he worked as both a designer and interior designer at DUX, where he created the internationally acclaimed Spider chaise longue and lounge chair. Known for his elegant and modern design, combining the functional with the experimental, Bergenblad balances shapes, colours and materials into pieces that feel timeless. His work has won numerous accolades around the world, including The Guldlampen Nordisk Design prize for Wing. Today he works from his farmhouse home in southern Sweden, continuing to create designs that surprise and delight.